Queer Spreekuur! QSU!

****UPDATE October 2020****
Events will take place biweekly (happy bi visibiliy!) and on a new location! check out contact page on how to get the infos. We also have RSVP (reservation sil vous plait therefore informal reserving a place via email) for our events because of several reasons.
if you want to subscribe to our mailinglist to get nieuws and updates every 2 weeks once about what were gonna do, contact us via our email 🙂

Evenementen gaan vanaf nu elke twee weken in plaats van elke week plaatsvinden! Ook hebben we een nieuwe locatie, en gaan vanwegen Covid19 op reservering (informeel, via email).
Als je evenement aankondigingen wilt ontvangen, kan je graag subscribe-en na onze mailinglijst.
Voor al die informatie kijk op onze contact pagina 🙂

A flyer in portrait format, with jellyfish as background , in the front white font with information that si to be found in the text as well>>> Launch of the QueerSpreekUur, from now on every Friday in the Opstand ! <<<

Last Friday we launched the first of our queer evenings, with a documentary retracing the trajectories of queercore “how to punk a revolution”. Watching this documentary was another reminder of the importance of digging out our queer history and doing archival work to remember that we’ve existed through the ages and that we’ve resisted throughout time.
We’ve been systematically killed, hunted down and shamed, erased from history and overwritten by hegemonic culture. But don’t believe we’ve been sitting silently, waiting to appear only when capitalism would find a way to commodify our deviant bodies and desires. In the shadows of homophobia, misogyny and transphobia we’ve been making our own history. Working in the night, we’ve been crafting a language and a way of being that could escape the forces keeping us down, finding the words to yell our coming into being and shake down the reigning order.

Because, when your existence itself is at stake you have no choice but to fight. Our desires make us outcasts and fuel our anger.
We are queer, queer as in against the state and capitalism, queer as in against borders and racism/islamophobia, queer as in against pinkwashing and the use of our desires to justify horrendous and discriminatory politics.

Another thing to remember from this movie: the power of imagination and how our desires can shape the reality we live in. Unsatisfied with their surroundings, these punks pretended what they wanted already existed and made it happen. We’ll keep that in mind during the following queer nights and let ourselves be inspired by their actions.

Welcome to QueerSpreekUur, come along to queer anarchism together. Every Friday at 18.30 in the anarchist bookstore Beatrijsstraat 12. Any questions or requests? Mail us! queerspreekuur@riseup.net
Queer liberation is for everyone!

QSU 9-10: Film screening – Bixa Travesty

This week we’re going to watch a pretty awesome documentary: Bixa Travesty. It’s a documentary made by and about Linn Da Quebrara, a Brazilian transfeminine artist & activist. Have a look at the trailer, or check out the summary below, if you like: vimeo.com/454930674 Heads up: there is quite a bit of nudity and explicit language used in the movie.

As per usual, we will be meeting around 19.00. We will watch the documentary and then discuss it together. For the location of the event, send us an email and we’ll be happy to provide the necessary details.

Summary of the documentary:
Coming from a very poor region of São Paulo, Linn faces many prejudices, also for being black. Her funk music sounds like a gun against machismo. With a really strong and daring presence on stage, she constantly seeks to discuss and fight paradigms and stereotypes.

In light of the rise in cases in our area we’ve decided to restrict the number of participants to 12. Please send us an email to sign up. We will still accept people who haven’t signed up at the door, but there is a chance we might have to send you home if we’ve reached 12 people already. We will reintroduce the signup sheet so that we can mail everyone in case we hear that there was a risk of infection that night (which also means: if in the week following QSU you develop symptoms or hear that someone you have been in contact with before the QSU might have Corona, please let us know. We will not share your name of course, but just need to make sure everyone can be informed). Masks will be mandatory from the doorstep onward and you will be asked to disinfect your hands or wash them thoroughly upon entering. We will try to come up with something for the toilet so as to avoid having to cross each other in the corridor all the time. And please only come if you do not have any symptoms and if you have not been in contact with anyone who might be infected.

On the longer term we will be thinking of ways to include those who cannot come in person – we will keep you posted!

QSU 25-9: Bisexualty, an umbrella term

This week we’ll be talking about the umbrella term that is bisexuality.

What is bisexuality as an umbrella term? What is biphobia? Are bisexual people really invisible? Can anything be done against patriarchy, heteronormativity and monosexism through bisexuality? Can bisexuality be political and intersectional? These questions and more will come up and be discussed in the upcoming QSU.

The meeting starts at 19:00, where a small introduction to the overall theme to be discussed will occur, then we’ll break into small groups to discuss specific points of interest to each group.

Additionally, this time around we’ll be adding an RSVP: if you’re interested in attending the session, please let us know! We want to keep the space as Covid-Free as possible, and as such the amount of people who can attend the meeting is limited.

For the location of the event, send us an email and we’ll be happy to provide the necessary details.

Please wear/bring your own mask to the event. Hand sanitiser and face masks can be provided. Please wear a face mask during the event. If you have difficulties breathing with a face mask, we will find a solution for you to take part, please reach out via email, diaspora* or personally.

Your aren’t obliged but we ask you to leave your name and your email/phone to be informed if any of the other participants has been infected with covid19. We will keep the notes safe and destroy them after 3 weeks.

***** General Disclaimer *****
We do not tolerate fascists, racism, sexism, and homophobia, transphobia and other discriminatory behaviour. Check your privilege before taking up space!

!! To our non queer participants !!!:

This session will be a discussion by and for queers – meaning that priority will be given to queer people. People who do not identify as queer and who wish to participate nevertheless can send an email beforehand (queerspreekuur [at] riseup.net). We will let you know by Friday 14.00 if the situation allows for your presence or not.

QSU 11-9: Film screening – Female trouble

This week we will watch the film “Female trouble”. This 1974 dark comedy has been described as a classic queer production, where most of the cast is queer and the story is deliberately political.

The meeting starts at 19:00, we will have one hour for general discussion, at 20:00 we will start the film screening.

We are in the process of sorting out the location for the event, so if you are interested in coming along please send us an email at queerspreekuur [at] riseup.net and we will give you more information when it becomes available.

Trigger warning : this movie contains sex + nudity (crude sexual humor, sex scenes, nudity, closeup shots of genitals, brief satirical references to child abuse), violence+gore (gun + police violence, in general some gorey scenes involving body parts and blood) those scenes are being displayed over-the-top and unrealistic.
moderate alcohol + other drug usage

Please wear/bring your own mask to the event. Hand sanitizer and face masks can be provided. Please wear a face mask during the event. If you have difficulties breathing with a face mask, we will find a solution for you to take part, please reach out via email or facebook or personally.

Your aren’t obliged but we ask you to leave your name and your email/phone to be informed if any of the other participants has been infected with covid19. We will keep the notes safe and destroy them after 3 weeks.

***** General Disclaimer *****
We do not tolerate fascists, racism, sexism, and homophobia, transphobia and other discriminatory behavior. Check your privilege before taking up space!

!! To our non queer participants !!!:

This session will be a discussion by and for queers – meaning that priority will be given to queer people. People who do not identify as queer and who wish to participate nevertheless can send an email beforehand (queerspreekuur [at] riseup.net). We will let you know by Friday 14.00 if the situation allows for your presence or not.




This friday’s queerspreekuur: The theme of the week is going to be plants and queerness. Until now, QSU’s been happening at the Samenscholing, but we want to do this edition in a place where there’s actually plants around.
If you want to cycle there together, meet us at The Hague Centraal Station at 16:00 to go somwhere where it’s greener. Specifics about meeting point will be posted on the noblogs soon.
We’ll start at 17:00, and we’ll go for a walk identifying edible and medicinal plants, as well as talk about (queer) plants. If the weather allows, this will happen outside, but if it’s raining there’s an indoors space available for that, too. Afterwards, there will be food on donation.
The conversation will centre around what plants and queerness actually have to do with each other, the ways we personally relate to plants, and the ways we can access them and use them for healing (including as remedies for common ailments, but also for hormone adjustment, or just as healthy food).
If you want to create a physical reminder of the plants we find, you can take an old book to press some of them. It will also be possible to gather plants for salad or tea or drying or any other reason. For taking those home, it’s best to bring a fabric bag (and scissors).
In case you already want to do some reading to get excited about queer plants, we recommend:
– Gay Plants (zine)
– “Fucking Pansies” by Caspar Heinemann
To bring:
– rain gear, probably
– clothes that can get dirty, preferably long pants (because of brambles and nettles)
– fabric bag and scissors (optional)
– an old book (optional, we will also provide some)
!COVID19 safety measures!
We’ll make sure the space inside allows for physical distancing, and that there are open windows. Please take your own face mask for safety. (if you forgot or still decide to come, we have some there as well). We’ll do our best to facilitate it as covid19 and machosafe as possible.
Accessibility: If cycling is not an option for you, there are also bus stations nearby.There are also cats and dogs present in the place where the event will be.
Send us an email before hand or to let us know on the day itself how we can best accommodate you (i.e. picking you up at the bus station, adapting the walk, cat/dog free space…).
! To our non queer participants !!!:
This session will be a discussion by and for queers – meaning that priority will be given to queer people. People who do not identify as queer and who wish to participate nevertheless can send an email beforehand (queerspreekuur@riseup.net). We will let you know by Friday 13.00 if the situation allows for your presence or not.

QSU 28/08: Queer nihilism

This week, finally, queer nihilism!

What is queer nihilism? No idea – let’s find out together! We’ll read and discuss bits and pieces from Baedan, a queer nihilist journal. Come join us on Friday 28/08, 19.00 at Beatrijsstraat 12, The Hague.


The session will open with a short presentation, during which we will define key terms and outline the main issues in queer nihilism. We will also have visual support for this part of the conversation.

After a short break we’ll split up in smaller groups and read excerpts from Baedan which we will discuss in these small groups (guiding questions will be provided which you may use or not).

Some links if you want to read a bit before hand:

Main text
Baedan (Link)

More stuff

Towards the Queerest Insurrection (https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/mary-nardini-gang-toward-the-queerest-insurrection )

This text is also in Queer Ultraviolence – Bash Back (https://libcom.org/library/queer-ultraviolence-bash-back-anthology) some bits might be relevant as well.

Some action group influenced by queer nihilism, for inspiration:

Everything is going to shit anyways – Fag Mob


!COVID19 safety measures!

We will be meeting in the gym this week to make sure we can be safely distanced. Enter through the bookstore and we will direct you further. Please take your own face mask for safety. (if you forgot or still decide to come, we have some at the bookstore as well). We’ll do our best to facilitate it as covid19 and machosafe as possible.

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible through the restaurant (there is also a suitable toilet). If you need anything special event- or location related during or before or after the event, let us know.

Next tram station is Anna Bijnslaan. Parking is difficult but possible in the area.

For Allergics: 2 cats live in De Samenscholing. Let us know is we can make it any better for you.

!! To our non queer participants !!!:

This session will be a discussion by and for queers – meaning that priority will be given to queer people. People who do not identify as queer and who wish to participate nevertheless can send an email beforehand (queerspreekuur@riseup.net). We will let you know by Friday 14.00 if the situation allows for your presence or not.

QSU 21/08 – This week: Talking Round about Relationship Anarchy from a QueerFem Perspective

a purple header. in the middle are light blue freckles as a background for a text saying: relationship anachy from a queerfem perspectove. below is a short disclaimer in lgiht pink about cis-hets participation only with limited access. on the right upper corner there is an relationshipanarchysymbold that is queered. (it is a heart with an A in it, and there are the arrows of the transfeminismsymbol on it)
This week: Talking Round about Relationship Anarchy from a QueerFem perspective! (English)
Foreword: !COVID19 safety measurements and restriction have changed!
Inside a restaurant max. 6 people are allowed. We ain’t a restaurant but our place is quite small – We hope for no rain, thus we can sit outside with appropriate distance. Please take your own mondkapje for safety. (if you forgot or still decide to come, we have some at the bookstore as well). We’ll do our best to facilitate it as covid19 and machosafe as possible.
Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible through the restaurant (there is also a suitable toilet). If you need anything special event- or locationrelated during or before or after the event, let us know.
Next Tramstation is Anna Bijnslaan. Adress is Beatrijsstraat 12! Parking is difficult but possible in the surroundings.
For Allergics: 2 cats live in De Samenscholing. Let us know is we can make it any better for you.
This week we will talk about Relationship Anarchy.
What will it be about?
The content will be mainly related to a paper called ‘Thinking Relationship Anarchy from a Queer Feminist Approach’.
It is a text from 2018 by Roma De las Heras Gómez (you can find it under this link https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1360780418811965 or in this one ). She is a bi-lesbian feminist activist for non-conventional relationships and works on sex education and relationship anarchy.
The text is sociological research. We’re gonna make it more accessible in language. It is influenced by lesbian feminism and sexual theory.
Interesting to know: Relationship Anarchy is a philosophy of love but also a way of structuring affective bonds, breaking with norms and a political philosophy – we’ll go deeper into that last point on friday!
Which format will it take?
We will talk about the text, there will be a introduction and or small summary of it. We could also combine it with reading or findings of your own about this topic, so feel free to bring what you know and feel invited to read the text beforehand 🙂
!!! To our non queer participants !!!:
This session will be a discussion by and for queers – meaning that priority will be given to queer people. People who do not identify as queer and who wish to participate nevertheless can send an email beforehand (queerspreekuur@riseup.net). We will let you know by Friday 14.00 if the situation allows for your presence or not.
xoxo QSU


This Friday 14 August, 19.00 at the Opstand, anarchistische boekenwinkel (Beatrijsstraat 12, The Hague).

Come to vent and rage on cis-hets, and laugh in the face of their bullshit. The evening will be hosted by our infamous dragqueers from the Queer Spreek Uur and the winner will be rewarded with a surprise present. The rules will be explained.

Mail us the bullshit comments&questions you’ve heard about your gender identity and/or sexual orientation by Thursday, so we can complete our list of bullshit 🙂 queerspreekuur@riseup.net

Queer Spreek Uur: queer resistance to gentrification.

LGBT communities have been blamed as a source of gentrification. However, queer neighbourhoods have also had to fight against it. We will be reading/watching/listening to media related to the ambivalent role of queers in the issue of gentrification.

The plan for the evening is:

1. Talk about how queers are being gentrified out of London, particularly in SoHo.
2. Discuss how queer oriented tourism in Amsterdam is gentrifying the city.
3. Have a discussion on queer resistance to gentrification.

Meeting is on Friday at 19.00 at the Opstand, Beatrijsstraat 12. Discussion starts around 20.00.

A reminder that the QSU people are recognizable by their big LGTBI-flag buttons and you can approach them every Friday from 19.00 onwards with any questions about queerness. Non queers are also welcome both to the questions and to the discussion.

Queer Spreek Uur: queering the border, a queer critique of borders.

This Friday at the Queer Spreek Uur: queering the border, a queer critique of borders.

We’ll be reading and discussing a short text by Paul B. Preciado (Identity in transit) and tying links from this text to excerpts from Gloria Anzaldua’s Borderlands and other queer manifestos. In a small presentation we’ll try to sketch the current situation of queer migrants in the Netherlands and continue the discussion based on this information.

Meeting is at 19.00 at the Opstand, Beatrijsstraat 12. You’re welcome to bring your own food/drinks, or to order at Water en Brood!

Feel free to email us with recommendations, comments or questions! queerspreekuur@riseup.net

A reminder that the QSU people are recognizable by their big LGTBI buttons and you can approach them every Friday from 19.00 onwards with any questions about queerness 🙂

Paul B. Preciado: Identity in transit