QSU 21/08 – This week: Talking Round about Relationship Anarchy from a QueerFem Perspective

a purple header. in the middle are light blue freckles as a background for a text saying: relationship anachy from a queerfem perspectove. below is a short disclaimer in lgiht pink about cis-hets participation only with limited access. on the right upper corner there is an relationshipanarchysymbold that is queered. (it is a heart with an A in it, and there are the arrows of the transfeminismsymbol on it)
This week: Talking Round about Relationship Anarchy from a QueerFem perspective! (English)
Foreword: !COVID19 safety measurements and restriction have changed!
Inside a restaurant max. 6 people are allowed. We ain’t a restaurant but our place is quite small – We hope for no rain, thus we can sit outside with appropriate distance. Please take your own mondkapje for safety. (if you forgot or still decide to come, we have some at the bookstore as well). We’ll do our best to facilitate it as covid19 and machosafe as possible.
Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible through the restaurant (there is also a suitable toilet). If you need anything special event- or locationrelated during or before or after the event, let us know.
Next Tramstation is Anna Bijnslaan. Adress is Beatrijsstraat 12! Parking is difficult but possible in the surroundings.
For Allergics: 2 cats live in De Samenscholing. Let us know is we can make it any better for you.
This week we will talk about Relationship Anarchy.
What will it be about?
The content will be mainly related to a paper called ‘Thinking Relationship Anarchy from a Queer Feminist Approach’.
It is a text from 2018 by Roma De las Heras Gómez (you can find it under this link https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1360780418811965 or in this one ). She is a bi-lesbian feminist activist for non-conventional relationships and works on sex education and relationship anarchy.
The text is sociological research. We’re gonna make it more accessible in language. It is influenced by lesbian feminism and sexual theory.
Interesting to know: Relationship Anarchy is a philosophy of love but also a way of structuring affective bonds, breaking with norms and a political philosophy – we’ll go deeper into that last point on friday!
Which format will it take?
We will talk about the text, there will be a introduction and or small summary of it. We could also combine it with reading or findings of your own about this topic, so feel free to bring what you know and feel invited to read the text beforehand 🙂
!!! To our non queer participants !!!:
This session will be a discussion by and for queers – meaning that priority will be given to queer people. People who do not identify as queer and who wish to participate nevertheless can send an email beforehand (queerspreekuur@riseup.net). We will let you know by Friday 14.00 if the situation allows for your presence or not.
xoxo QSU

QSU 03/07/2020 Homonationalism in the Netherlands

a white text with slightly transparent and purple background saying 'queers against homonationalism and the far right!' is placed in the first half of the picture. the whole picturebackground is two portraits, one of pim fortuyn and one of geert wilders. their images are crossed out with a big purple X.*FOR ENGLISH SCROLL DOWN*

Deze week begint de Queer Spreek Uur om 19.00.

We gaan het hebben over HOMO-NATIONALISME, oftewel het gebruiken van een zogenaamde LHBT+ emancipatie voor een nationalistische agenda. Denk hierbij aan Pim Fortuyn, of Wilders bijvoorbeeld, wanneer zij homo-rechten gebruiken om islamofobische leuzen te uiten.

Samen gaan wij stukjes van Gloria Wekker’s “Over Homo-nostalgie en (post)kolonialiteit – Waar zijn alle kritische witte homomannen gebleven?” lezen. (uit haar boek “Witte Onschuld, Paradoxen van Kolonialisme en Ras”, 2006).

Als je geen zin hebt om te lezen, ben je alsnog welkom: een van ons geeft een korte samenvatting en zal homo-nationalisme in een bredere context zetten. Daarna gaan we een informeel discussie houden. Wij zullen samen met de deelnemers beslissen of we Engels of Nederlands, of een mix van beide, als voertaal zullen gebruiken. Vragen of verzoeken? Mail ons dan: queerspreekuur@riseup.net.

>>>!!!<<<< BELANGRIJK! >>>!!!<<<< QSU nodigt je uit morgen 02/07/2020 van 16 tot 18 uur naar de lange vijverberg (Den Haag) te komen voor de ‘Sekswerkers Rechten tijdens Corona’ Demonstratie. (Wij zullen er ook zijn, als je niet alleen wilt gaan kun je ons mailen of ter plekken bij ons aansluiten, we zullen regenboogvlag buttons hebben.) —- This week the Queer Spreek Uur will start at 19.00 We will talk about HOMO-NATIONALISM, meaning the use of a supposed lgbt+ emancipation to defend nationalistic ideas. Think for example of Pim Fortuyn, or Geert Wilders when they use gay-rights to justify islamophobic slurs. Together we will read excerpts from Gloria Wekker’s “On Homo-Nostalgia and (Post)-Coloniality – or, Where Did All the Critical White Gay Men Go?” (from her book “White Innocence, Paradoxes of Colonialism and Race”, 2006). If you don’t feel like reading, you are stille welcome: one of us will give a short outline of the chapter and will set homo-nationalism in a broader context. After that, we will have an informal discussion. Together with the participants, we will decide whether we will be speaking Dutch, English or a mixture of both. Any questions or requests? Mail us! queerspreekuur@riseup.net. >>>!!!<<< IMPORTANT >>>!!!<<<

QSU invites you all tomorrow 02/07/2020 from 16.00 to 18.00 at Lange vijverberg(Den Haag) for the protest ‘Sexworkers’ Rights During Corona’. (We will be there as well, if you don’t feel like going alone you can reach out to us by mail or join us there – we will be recognisable by our rainbowflag buttons).