Topics we talked about


19/06/2020 Pre-QSU! First inofficial event! Movie Screening :QueerCore: How to Punk a Revolution Documentary

26/06/2020 Stonewall Riots!


03/07/2020 HomoNationalism in The Netherlands

10/07/2020 Queer Music Sharing

15/07/2020 Queering the borders: a queer critique of borders

23/07/2020 Queer Resistance to Gentrification


07/08/2020 Queer Bullshitbinog with Günther & Theodore!

21/08/2020 Talking Round: Relationship Anarchy from a QueerFeminist Approach

28/08/2020 Queer Nihilism


04/09/2020 Queer Plants (Workshop, Food, Forest Walk)

11/09/2020 Filmscreening ‘Female Trouble’

25/09/2020 Bisexuality – An Umbrella Term (discussion and small presentation of Shiri Eisner’s Book: Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution)